The Family Wealth Trilogy

Tom Deans' Books

Every Family's Business Book
Every Family's Business

Every Family’s Business: 12 Common Sense Questions to Protect Your Wealth is the best-selling family business book of all-time -- listed by The New York Times as one of the top-ten books business owners should read.  The book offers a fresh perspective on why gifting a business to the next generation, for free or at a discounted value, can be a dangerous idea. Prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew about successfully selling a business when family is involved.

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Willing Wisdom Book
Willing Wisdom

Willing Wisdom: Seven Questions Successful Families Ask is the first book to introduce a new and easy process to help families talk, build and share their estate plans. The book explains why silence and poor planning continues to destroy family wealth and why more than 50% of adults do not have a legal Will and Powers of Attorney for Finance and Health Care.  Included in the book is seven questions successful families ask to inspire readers to bring new urgency and transparency to their wealth transfer plans.

Willing Wisdom the Audiobook is available on Kobo by clicking the button below.

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The Happy Inheritor Book
The Happy Inheritor

The Happy Inheritor: How Successful Families Prepare Heirs and Transition Wealth reminds tens of millions of people who are expecting an inheritance that it may not end well.  Secrecy about family wealth transfers is failing families - the explosion in the number of families heading to court is proof.  Award winning author Thomas William Deans describes how some people transfer wealth with great care and joy while others use their wealth to control and destroy relationships.  If silence is the great destroyer of family wealth, The Happy Inheritor reveals how successful families talk openly about the last taboo - money.

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